One year on, Laying the mauri
In February 2021, a little over a year ago Whānau came together for the laying of the mauri at Kānihi Māwhitiwhiti Pā. This was the first time Whānau had gathered since the demolition of the old Marae.
“It was an important milestone in the rebuild of the new Pā with the laying of the mauri” Said Paula Carr.
At the time, Jonathon explained the ceremony process, which was attended by 40-50 people. Aunty Irene Robinson was accompanied by beautiful mokopuna of Kanihi Umutahi and Okahu Inuawai, as a greenstone taonga was blessed with water from Te Rere o Kapuni and placed in the whenua under the doorway of the new building that would be raised above it. Karakia, poi, waiata, patere and korero enriched the ceremony process, which was finished with kapu ti and kai.
"The ceremony was simple and deeply moving. You could really feel the wairua" said Aunty Barb (Veronica Webb).
In the case for Kanihi, the laying of the mauri was a 3 step process. The first step being the burning and burying of the ashes, and the last step involving the official opening day which many attended on December 4 2021.
Paula Carr gave thanks all those who attended for making the occasion so special, including those who led parts of the process. “Our heartfelt thank you to our sister hapu Okahu Inuawai and representatives from Ngati Manuhiakai and Ngati Haua”
The day was captured by film and photographs for Whānau to look back on at later dates.