Kawea Mai ō Tātou Mate
Hoki wairua mai koutou kua riro atu ki te pō.
Kei te karanga tō whare o Te Torokiki o Te Rua o Te Moko i a koutou.
Kanihi-Umutahi Hapū | Kanihi-Māwhitiwhiti Pā are preparing for the return of all tūpuna whakaahua from the old pā. We ask those whānau who have been caring for these whakaahua, to gather on Puanga, the 8th June 2024, to return whakaahua to the whare.
We also call out to those uri have had lost whānau members and who may want to bring those mate to Kanihi-Māwhitiwhiti pā, to also join us on this day.
Finally, there will be three wānanga held in April and May to prepare for this kaupapa. More information on each wānanga will be shared, but for now, we want to inform you of the dates:
06-07 April
27-28 April
25-26 May
Kāti ake rā e ngā tūpuna, hoki wairua mai ki a mātou.