Tai Wānanga: Hoki Wairua Mai

Hoki mai ki tō maunga, kia pūrea ai e ngā hau o Tāwhirimātea.

Ko tātou tērā e whai atu ana i te kai a te Rangatira.

Kanihi-Umutahi mau tonu i te reo Māori e

Kia ora ai mō ake tonu atu eeeee.

We invite uri to attend our first of many Tai Wānanga: Hoki Wairua Mai. This is a series of wānanga opportunities to support deeper learning, understanding and preparation for the kawe mate on 8th June.

We have three wānanga scheduled for:

6th & 7th April

27 & 28 April

25 & 26 May

We are excited to bring Kanihi-Umutahi uri home to talk and share with our people, on a range of kaupapa and wānanga opportunities. For maximum benefit, uri will attend all three wānanga as they complement each other, and each wānanga flows into the next wānanga.

To support us to deliver the best wānanga outcomes and to manaaki our uri we are ask you to register for the first wnānaga on 6th & 7th April. Here is the link:


For any further pātai/ questions or enquiries contact Katrina at katrina.maree.taylor@gmail.com 


He aha te take kei te haere mai ki te wānanga o 'Hoki Wairua Mai'?


Kawea Mai ō Tātou Mate