Tēnā tātou, nau mai ki tēnei kaupapa, Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

The purpose of this hui is to offer education to our uri of Ngāruahine about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and how it may relate to us within our many contexts.

Although the bulk of the kōrero will be from a general perspective, it is aimed at supporting whānau with a basic understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, its history, what it means, some of the key differences, what happened as a result and what we as uri might be able to do in our homes to support this kaupapa. This will also be helpful in understanding some of the kōrero that was had at the Hui a Motu.

This is not a one stop shop for all your Te Tiriti needs, but an opportunity to add to your kete from foundation setting to building on what you already know.

To register please click on this link.


Nau mai e te iwi!


Kawea Mai ō Tātou Mate


Laying the Mauri - Te Rua o Te Moko