Laying the Mauri - Te Rua o Te Moko
Purutia mai te tauru o te rangi
Kia tina, kia whēnā
Kia toka te manawa ora. Hei ora.
Awhi nuku, awhi rangi, awhi tau, awhi papa, awhi kerekere, awhi whenua.
Greeted with clear skies, karanga and ruruku, uri gathered for an early morning karakia to lay the mouri before construction begins on a new cowshed on the farm at Te Rua o Te Moko. This has long been an aspiration of the people.
Thank you to everyone who came along to mark this milestone and to affirm our mana whenua. The cowshed is due to be completed in July. We will continue to keep you informed of the development of this build and details for the karakia to open the shed.
Images and kōrero about the name of the mouri will be shared at the next pā hui, Saturday 10th February 2024.