A Natural End

Tēnā tātou te whānau,

This is to let you know that I have resigned from Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust board and Te Kiwai Maui commercial board. And my tenure on Te Tōpuni Ngarahu (entity for the 8 Iwi) has come to a natural end following Te Korowai appointments.

My beginnings in governance work started as a Māwhitiwhiti Kanihi Pā trustee - I'll always be grateful for that grassroots beginnings at the Pā. I especially acknowledge our dear Aunty Daisy and cousin Mahuru, the Nobles, Webbs and my own Carr whānau and all others who support me.

My resignation creates space for another uri to step forward. I look forward to getting in behind that person, who will join cousin Tauke. I wish the new Te Korowai board well.

The focus now for me turns to my whānau and getting my health in order. Next year is going to be a big year as I lead strategic mahi across the Pacific with our whanaunga Bonita Bigham and Kura Moeahu. I also have more time to assist at hapu level in preparing for the upcoming Te Kupenga o Kanihi Charitable Trust Triennial AGM.

Mā te Ariki tātou katoa hei manaaki

Paula Kururaurenga Carr


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