Pa Hui Notification
Tēnā koutou
With the majority of the remedial works now completed, the trustees are happy to be able to have our monthly pa hui at home.
We understand it has been many months since we last held a pa hui and we thank the people for your utmost patience. Please note below we are starting our hui earlier than usual due to the lengthy agenda and items needing to be discussed.
Kanihi Māwhitiwhiti Pā Hui
When: Saturday 28th October 2023
Where: Kanihi Pā
Time: 9am
Previous Minutes
Chairs Report
Financial Report
Trustee Update
Building Update
Kohanga Update
General Business
a) Whakaahua Kawe Mate
b) Upcoming Bookings - November/December
c) Kainga Feasibility Study
d) Urupa
Zoom WILL be available for this Pa Hui. However, we encourage all whānau to be involved and join us at the pā. Any further questions or concerns please feel free to comment below.
Thank you for your patience.
Ngā mihi,
Pā Trustees