Ngā Iwi o Taranaki Invitaion
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Ngā Iwi o Taranaki invites you to join the Initialling ceremony for Te Ruruku Pūtakerongo (Taranaki Maunga collective redress deed). After six years of negotiation this milestone event signifies the next step towards ratification and key dates leading through to the bill’s introduction to parliament.
The ceremony will be broadcast on Te Korimako o Taranaki Facebook Live. If you are unable to attend, please tune into Te Korimako’s Facebook page on the day
Aotearoa Marae
Hastings Road, Ōkaiawa
Friday 31 March 2023, 9am – 2pm
9.00am Pōwhiri for Ngā Iwi o Taranaki
11.00am Pōwhiri for Crown Ministers & Officials
12.00pm Initialling Ceremony
1.00pm Hākari
RSVPs to: by 5pm, Wed 29 March 2023. If you are unable to attend, please tune into Te Korimako’s Facebook page for the livestream.