The following text is an extract from our previous website. Some links and references may not work.
Its time again for an update from the Pa/Hapu meetings held 1 October. Again a nice little turn out of whanau. Our day started of with the Pa. Discussions dealt with normal meeting items and finished with a building report from Richard, Cuff having tabled his apologies earlier in the piece. He was however on speed dial should we require his input.
From a list of six applicants the field had been narrowed down to three, with one of these three having to furnish more information. This request had now been accommodated and considered. We were now ready to make a choice on the final two who would then move to an interview process. The meeting made a decision that the advisors along with one trustee be the interview panel and make a final decision on the preferred applicant. This work is to be completed by the next meeting, 5 November.
The Hapu hui dealt with the normal course of business and then advisors Tai Ahu and Deborah Edmunds took us through draft two of the deed for Te Kupenga o Kanihi Charitable Trust. Final approval was given and the advisors will now go away and register the Trust along with registeration for charitable tax status. The trustees of which there are six, will now begin work on identifying areas of the deed where the application of Hapu tikanga can be preserved and applied.
Our next meeting date is 5 November. This will be the final Hapu meeting for the year. We hope to see you all there.
Hope you are all well and looking forward to our meetings this coming weekend, Saturday 1 October starting with the Pa at 10am and finishing off with the business of the Hapu.
The Agenda for the Hapu meeting will cover the normal items, minutes, reporting (finance, Chair, representation, building, papakainga) followed by a presentation by Tai Ahu on the amendments and explanatory notes of the draft Deed. It is hoped that once uri are comfortable with the Deed it can be executed on the day. A copy will then be made available to everyone that the Secretary has on the registration database. If you have not already done so, you will need to Register your interest in order to receive a copy. If time permits then it would be useful to have a half hour workshop on various kaupapa uri would like the trustees to develop over the next twelve months. Likewise if you wish to receive Hapu meeting packs please Register.
We are also working towards making available a copy of the "governance training program" that was held Sunday 7 August for a whanau land trust and the Hapu along with the workshop booklet. Again if you wish to take advantage of this, you will need to Register your interest with the Hapu.
Like always, if you are unable to attend the meetings, please encourage your whanau to attend, we look forward to seeing you all.
It is reporting time again where we share key messages out to our uri, whanau. In the absence of our secretary, Allen, who has gone off shore for a week I am running the mother ship so to speak. Unfortunately he never left instructions or the email database for me to be able to send out the meeting pack. Mind you, what addresses I have on my system, I gave it a go, and it kept giving me a message "undeliverable" so if you did receive it, great, if not my apologies to you all. In the absence of an e-copy there will be hard copies available as per usual at the meeting. For those who still wish to receive a copy of the 3 September meeting pack please email the secretary and he will accommodate your request upon his return.
In the meantime here is the Agenda for our meeting(s), starting at 10am, we have Tai Ahu presenting back to the Hapu on the draft Rules and their meanings etc followed by lunch. We will resume again with the Pa meeting starting at 12.45 followed by the Hapu meeting. Building reporting etc will be intermingled between the two meetings, closing off at 3pm.
Once again, our time honoured messaging, if you are unable to attend the meeting, please encourage other members of your whanau to attend instead, if you are not registered please do so by going to the Register page. This will enable you to receive all meeting packs and information first hand, last but not least fundraising for the building has been underway for quite some time so keep an eye out for that.
Look forward to seeing you all there
The Chair
Firstly, our aroha to all our whanau for your recent loss. Hope you are all looking after yourselves and each other as you journey through the "pouri" and "mamae" of losing a loved one. Stay safe and know we are here if you need us.
Well what a weekend everyone across the region experienced, cold, rain and more rain. Although that did not dampen the spirits of those who were able to attend the various hui and workshops for the Hapu and Pa.
A late Saturday morning start, but just to give a heads up on those who attended, we had mokopuna of all ages (8 in all), the youngest being Isabel Eynon, 3months, the oldest Te Parahe Spittal, 15 yrs, while not forgetting the usual crowd.
First up was the Pa hui which dealt mainly with updates on trustee activity and monthly finances. This was followed by the Hapu hui which dealt with our normal business followed by a very good discussion around the Te Korowai AGM from several uri who had attended. Notes were taken by Paula Cuff who is one of our Hapu reps and we asked that this feedback be shared with the board.
Early Saturday evening we were fortunate enough to be joined a day early by one of two commercial advisors (Tai Ahu) who were going to be delivering governance training on the Sunday. His early presence turned out to be a godsend as it enabled us to prepare for the following day. We drilled him and had him working at top speed, mind you in the reverse, he did the same to us.
Sunday was full on. Our day began at 9.15am with our building hui. This was carried out via conferencing with our two building advisors, Cuffie in Poneke and Richard in Auckland. Cuffie led the building hui and confirmed that the process to engage an architect has begun and will close on 19 Aug. It should take another week at the utmost before we know who that person will be. From then on of course it will all be in the hands of that person. Richard led the papakainga hui and from his end all required documentation has been completed and the fate of the project is now in the hands of the funders.
Our Te Rua o Te Moko 2B trustees joined us a little later that morning and so began the governance training we had been looking forward to. To ensure that we did not miss anything, we invited Te Oranga Whareaitu to come along and film the entire workshop, great resource to have. The day went really well and finished as one would expect, with a kai. The Hapu chair has a few copies of the training workbooks which were left by the advisors. Extra copies can be made. In all a good lot of mahi done.
Keep an eye out for next month Saturday 3 September, where we get to do this all over again.
Hope whanau are all keeping warm and safe as we go through the highs and lows of wintery conditions.
Update on our monthly meetings, we have an action packed weekend beginning with Saturday 6th August. First hui up will be Pa trustees only starting at 9am. Trustees will then meet with uri, whanau at 10am. It is envisaged that this meeting should finish around 11.30am. The Hapu hui will follow on from this and will take up the remainder of the morning through to early afternoon.
We have two workshops happening, the first begins at 3pm till 5pm for the Hapu. The committee will lead this workshop, which focuses on the previous 12 months projects and activities, what stage are we at, what is working, what isn't and what changes if any do we need to make. The second workshop will begin at 7pm till 9pm for the Pa. Trustees will lead this workshop which will focus on the steps to be taken before any building activity begins.
Sunday 7th August our day starts at 9am till 10.30am with the building committee reporting back on their activities and where we are in the scheme of things.
At 11am Te Rua o Te Moko 2B Trust will be holding a governance training workshop for their trustees. This will be delivered by their commercial advisors. The Hapu will also participate in this workshop. We envisage the workshop to end around 2pm.
Further detail around the weekend of meetings and workshops can be found in your meeting packs which were emailed out Sunday 31 July to all uri who are registered on the Hapu database.
Once again, we welcome your attendance, alternatively if you are unable to be with us, please encourage members of your whanau to come and listen and have input into the korero. Likewise if you are an uri of the Hapu and are not currently registered with us, please do so by clicking on our Register page before leaving our website. This will enable us to be able to keep you updated on all meetings and activities that are being held at the Pa.
Once again a good hui had by all. Great to see new whanau faces turning up. Lets keep the momentum going whanau.
On the Pa front, building wise, we have experienced some bumps in the road, with us taking longer to get the architect sorted then when we first thought, but we will get there. Trustees have a slot in a workshop that will be rolled out in the month of August. This will provide uri, whanau the opportunity to decide how we will manage the closure of the Pa, equipment etc.
On the Hapu front, there is of course a number of exciting things happening:
The papakainga mahi is going well. All paperwork has been submitted to the funders for their consideration. We are at level one of the mahi and hope to have a response back from the funders late this year as to whether or not we have met the criteria. In the meantime we are front loading the work in readiness for level two considerations, eg; design, costs etc
The learning library afterschool program has successfully received 12 months funding and can be rolled out at any time. It was thought that we kick of in the 3rd term, but in saying that, with the school holidays just around the corner and 3rd term starting after that, we may be far better to wait for the school term 2017. The main hurdle to jump over was to receive funding, delivery is secondary to that. Either way we look forward to bringing that to our community doorstep
A partnership formed with a land trust that many uri of the Hapu are beneficiaries of, is rolling out a training program in August. Delivered by commercial advisors Kensington Swan of Wellington, the program is based on governance and management capability. The "where to from there" question is already being asked, so the Hapu is already planning the next program to complement and increase the capacity of the Hapu. We will keep you updated on progress.
Fundraising efforts continue. There is a lot of interest and support in fundraising activities whatever they look like. Well done to those who continue to work and make this happen.
Again our key messages, we welcome your attendance, if you are unable to attend please encourage your other whanau members to come along. To those uri who are not already registered with the Hapu, go to our Register page and you will receive the monthly meeting packs and updates. Keep an eye out for fundraising that comes your way.
Next month (August) is an action packed month for the Hapu. See your meeting packs for further details.
Stay warm and safe.
With so much happening around the region, our monthly Hapu and Pa hui for 11 June was a very low key affair compared to previous months. Our day was to start with the Pa trustees, unfortunately in the immediate a lack of numbers prevented that from happening, so the time was given over to the Hapu to take over the time slot.
With the agreement of the Pa Chair and those trustees present, the Hapu took the time to do a "walk thru" to remind ourselves once again where we had come from and where we were going. This set the scene for the discussions around the various projects currently "on our radar", the big one of course being our building project.
Members of the Building Committee gave the following report:
Engaging the services of an architect is 80% completed, the remaining 20% is our two advisors having the time to meet with and provide a final recommendation back to the trustees for their consideration. This should be completed (fingers crossed) by the time we meet again in July. Until this happens we remain in a "holding pattern" for the plans so to speak
The water scheme is on track. Letters of support from whanau who currently reside and who are looking to return to the area to build have been received. Quotes etc have all been secured and all paperwork from our end is now completed and has been submitted to the funders. We will know in due course if we have been successful in acquiring part or all of the funding to carry out this mahi
The Building Work Plan (adopted in February) along with the draft Trustees Health & Safety Worksite Manual produced by the Building Committee was presented to the meeting. These documents were well received. Trustees will move to adopt the Worksite Manual at their July meeting.
We will continue to report back on the mahi, so whanau keep watching this space.
This is our cue once again to panui the following:
Next hui date, The Pa, Saturday 2 July 2016 starting @ 10am. If you are unable to attend due to time/travel, please encourage one of your whanau who live in the area to attend on your behalf, if you are an uri of the Hapu and you are not registered, please do so by clicking on the Register page and you will receive the monthly meeting pack. Keep an eye out for fundraising ventures that are in motion. Hope to see you all at the meeting.
The monthly hui for both the Hapu and Pa was held with a great turnout from uri, whanau. The "steering committee" presented their report which contained some questions that need to be answered in the coming weeks as part of the work plan phase.
At the conclusion of the report a presentation was done by an uri who asked for the opportunity to share his own personal thoughts on the current design, and finished his korero with thoughts for a more traditional building and design to be considered.
Richard, one of two of our building advisors did a walk thru' of the plan that the Hapu has been working through for the last nine months, explaining the purpose and thinking given for some of the key areas of the plan. Simply put, the building is designed to be multi purposed and able to accommodate all kaupapa that graces the Pa.
The korero laid earlier was also discussed in some detail and it was found that if we moved to a more traditional design than it meant that there would need to be a huge shift to the current plans we had before us. As a way to accommodate all thinking, the plan as presented was adopted by the meeting to enable these to go forward to an architect and that we would continue to hold more discussions on how we can incorporate a more traditional "look" into the new building.
An open day is being planned for whanau to come along to share in a kapu tii, korero, traverse memory lane and everything else that closure brings, prior to the Pa being dismantled.
Various fundraising activities are starting to take off, so whanau keep an eye out for these coming your way. We thank you for your support.
We also cannot stress enough how important it is for you all to be a part of the journey. You can do this by attending our monthly meetings kanohi ki te kanohi, send along a whanau member if you are unable to attend yourself, visit our website, check in at our Facebook page or Register with us so that you can receive the meeting packs, reports and any other information we may have for you.
We are aware that we are coming up to a long weekend whanau, so to accommodate that, we have moved our meeting to Saturday 11 June 2016, 10am at the Pa. The meeting will start with the Pa Trustees, followed by the Hapu meeting and finishing with the Building. Look forward to seeing you all there.
Lastly check out our Hei Tangata Page, we have a short story about how a group of locals in the district have been coming to the Pa annually for the past 49 years.
Just an update to you all, Richard is currently doing the elevations of version 5 of the plans and these will be made available in our next e-mail out at the end of this month, so once again we encourage uri to go to the Register page so that you receive a copy.
We also encourage you to go to the Give-a-little page where you can donate towards the rebuild, no matter how big or small, it is the thought that counts.
Last but not least we had two little mokopuna come to the Pa today for a visit, Sway Lambert who is six years old and her big brother La-Dainian who is eight. They are here for the school holidays, but their koro left instructions that they were to come out to visit the place. These mokopuna were totally unaware that when they arrived here it would probably be the last time they see the Pa as it currently stands.
Check out what these mokopuna have to say on the Mokopuna Kaupapa page.
The weather today did not dampen our spirits or our creativity. We spent the day discussing, debating, slicing and dicing as we worked our way through version 4 of the building plans. More detail was added today, with doors turning into walls, the odd room or two turning into something completely different, the ladies shower area turning into a catwalk models dream kitchen with all the mod cons, hairdryer, makeup mirrors etc, the men of course not having too many choices in this area. Overall the discussions and debates were great and we now go back to the drawing board for version 5.
Watch this space whanau as we head towards the last stages of what has been an exciting 6 month journey to create on paper what we see as being a building we will be absolutely proud to call the Pa.
If you would like to receive a copy of the building plans along with explanatory notes please go to our registration page and register if you have not already done so.
The sharing of ideas, kai, and the pleasure of simply being around each other is depicted in the photos we share with you all. We have a couple of shots where we had a birthday to celebrate. Meet Paula, one of the building project team members. Of course we all know there is a ritual here that one must follow, surprise! a cake! and of course a waiata! what a great way to finish off what was an awesome day.
To all our Uri, Whanau and friends associated to Kanihi Pa.
Our new ‘Give a Little’ page is now live. Please click on this link to make a Koha towards such a precious icon in the community. We appreciate your contribution whether its small or large. So spread the word.
Started 2016 off on a great note. We put together three committees, Steering, Funding and Project. We were now definitely all on the same page. Note the guy in the 4th shot. His name is Richard and he is one of two who is on the Project team. As you can see in our last shot, succession planning has begun and is well on target, starting from L to R meet Nesta, Saen, Matiu and Olliver.
We were fortunate enough to be the "first cab" off the rank earlier in the year when a stocktake was carried out by our iwi trust on all the Pa in Ngaruahine. The Trust reported back at our last hui for the year on the results of that stocktake. At that hui we identified the most urgent current need we had "water". What started out as a solution to our water problems turned into something much bigger "the Pa".
That day we walked and talked and dreamt. They say pictures can tell a thousand stories and as you can see, we were definitely serious that day. Today as a result of all that talking "we have a plan".